Letting loose

Posted on 2nd July, 2012

Had an interesting chat a couple of weeks ago,  about blogging and the advice was let go, break down your boundaries.

Haven't spent much time here recently, but weighed up the options, spend time on the blog - have to be careful how you say that!

Alternatively, put the time in at the type face mining the next  chapter from the dark recesses of the mind.

No contest, nice to spend time on the blog, but more fun with the characters in the novel, giving them free reign and waiting for the slip of the type that throws another angle into the story.

An old favourite of mine from childhood - Stingray - always started with a call to battle stations and the caution that anything can happen in the next half hour.

Bit like tapping out a novel for me - anything can happen in the next half page - up to a point!

Have fun, keep scribbling, back soon.



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