Didn't see that one coming

Posted on 21st May, 2017

Looking back a couple of weeks checking the daily sales sheet at Smashwords, something popped up, literally that I hadn't seen coming. A spike, well, more a small hill than a spike. A sudden shift in the downloads from Apple regarding Iceline. 496 in about a month, disregarding the permafree status of the novel it was still a welcome sight.


Iceline is the first of the Grange novels, introducing the mjaor characters in the series and the location around which the stories unfold.


Add to that a surge in the daily page views for Martyn's Blog (570+ in the last month) over on Blogger and I think a shift is needed. A timely reminder to keep my eye on the ball. the nice touch is that blogs on the site are regularly indexed at Blogorama


Maybe I need a (better) plan?

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